Thursday, November 14, 2013


(This post is a follow-up to the post on November 10, 2013)

Chapter 3 - I Like Computers
I am six days post-purchase of my Toshiba laptop. Six days using Windows 8, and I am pleased with my progress. I spend a lot of time reading tutorials and watching videos in an effort to become confident and efficient with my "new" system. So far, so good.

With anything new, there is a substantial learning curve, and it seems the older I get, the longer the curve. But I'm proud of myself for sticking with it. I get a kick out of typing a question into the search bar, finding an answer I can understand, implementing the process, and achieving success.

I consider myself a lover of education; a lifelong learner.  And in the last week, I've had a great chance to practice what I preach.  I went from a frustrated woman unable to download a simple search engine to a less frustrated woman teaching herself how to make this machine work! I give myself a B+!

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow. ~ Anthony J. D'Angelo

Sunday, November 10, 2013

So Much to Say...Maybe

My mind is full. There are many topics I could write about, yet nothing in particular has jumped out as 'blog worthy.' Since I don't want to risk not posting for weeks or using a lack of subject matter as an excuse not to write, I'll just start with a thought and see where it takes me. Please bear with me.

Chapter One - Our Computer Woes
This week at our house has been all about computers. We have known for many months, perhaps a few years, that our desk top was limping along, on its last leg, ready for the great computer recycle heap in the sky. You get the idea! The very important function our desk top was performing, however, was keeping track of our financial accounts. It housed three checkbook records in the "My Money" program. Note my use of past tense...was performing, was keeping, it housed

Last Tuesday morning, following a three hour loss of cable television, phone, and Internet capability due to "an outage in your service area" (no kidding), I was delighted when the TV in the kitchen came back to life. The desk top was not so lucky. To my dismay, it would not stop 're-booting' itself. That's right, it just kept looping from a shut down mode to start up, but wouldn't let me open any accounts. The desktop died, right there, rather suddenly after about ten years of good service.

Chapter Two - Our Computer Woes Continue
My laptop is three plus years old, so it is getting to the end of its life. Our youngest son, a freshman at the University of Wisconsin Madison, purchased a new Macbook Air before leaving for college this fall. He left behind his HP laptop. My thought was that when my laptop quit, I'd just use his. However, when the desktop died, Mark suggested we load our data on to our son's old HP. Sounded like a good idea at the time.

The Geek Squad had our desk top tower for 24 hours, and $150 later, they had cleaned the hard drive, and loaded the data onto an external hard drive. Mark brought the external hard drive home and attempted, over the course of several hours, to get our Money data loaded onto our son's HP. Well, that was not going to happen; not in this lifetime! Mark spoke with an 'agent' who told him to bring the external hard drive back along with the laptop; the Geek Squad would load it for us. Mark was standing in the store and two hours into the "process" the HP's hard drive fried!  If you are counting, that's two computers in two days!

Over the last 72 hours, our one and only laptop, my almost four year old Dell, has been in the capable hands of the Geek Squad, as they attempt to load our check book data. The message from the 'Agent' was on our answering machine last night. "Just wanted to give you a status update on the Dell computer you have with us. Please contact us at your earliest convenience..."  Mark is on his way, at this moment, to see what status update they have for us...I must admit, I'm not overly optimistic.

All is not lost, though. I am typing this post on my brand new laptop! Can I just say, yippee?!!!? Windows 8 will take some getting used to, but all in all, I think I made out pretty well.

Stay tuned for Chapter Three.

Monday, November 4, 2013

My Guy

There are only two people who know I have started a blog--my daughter and my husband.

I had no intention of 'gushing' about my husband this early in the game, but Mark walked in the door last Friday noon with a dozen roses. The card read, "I love you and I'm proud of you, honey." I asked, "You're proud of me?"  And he responded, "Ya, the blog and everything else you do." Now I'm pretty sure he has yet to visit this blog, but I really have no choice but to gush, do I?

Everyone who is happily married probably says I have the best husband. Well, mine is really the best. And what makes him the best is that he supports me and loves me all the time. Not just when it's easy and life is going well, but all the time. He holds me when I'm sad and laughs with me when life is funny. He trusts God's plan for our lives and challenges me to be better, to do better, to love better. I am grateful for his solid faith, his strength of character, his love for our children and grandchild, his sense of humor, his work ethic, his generous spirit, and his compassion for others.

Twenty seven and a half years later, I'm so glad we said "I do." This past August, we started a new chapter--The Empty Nest. I cannot think of anyone I'd rather empty nest it with than my guy. Here's to you, Mark. I love you!

 ~"...As a matter of opinion, I think he's tops. My opinion is he's the cream of the crop..."
                                                                                               -Mary Wells