Monday, November 4, 2013

My Guy

There are only two people who know I have started a blog--my daughter and my husband.

I had no intention of 'gushing' about my husband this early in the game, but Mark walked in the door last Friday noon with a dozen roses. The card read, "I love you and I'm proud of you, honey." I asked, "You're proud of me?"  And he responded, "Ya, the blog and everything else you do." Now I'm pretty sure he has yet to visit this blog, but I really have no choice but to gush, do I?

Everyone who is happily married probably says I have the best husband. Well, mine is really the best. And what makes him the best is that he supports me and loves me all the time. Not just when it's easy and life is going well, but all the time. He holds me when I'm sad and laughs with me when life is funny. He trusts God's plan for our lives and challenges me to be better, to do better, to love better. I am grateful for his solid faith, his strength of character, his love for our children and grandchild, his sense of humor, his work ethic, his generous spirit, and his compassion for others.

Twenty seven and a half years later, I'm so glad we said "I do." This past August, we started a new chapter--The Empty Nest. I cannot think of anyone I'd rather empty nest it with than my guy. Here's to you, Mark. I love you!

 ~"...As a matter of opinion, I think he's tops. My opinion is he's the cream of the crop..."
                                                                                               -Mary Wells


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Elle! I need to figure out how to make the link work so you can actually listen to the song...that would make it an even better post, don't you think?
