I learned long ago that in the world of writing, the best thing to do is just sit down, face the blank page, and start. It has been a week since my daughter helped me create this blog. So why did it take me a week to write? I think it has something to do with not wanting to make a mistake, or maybe it's because I really don't have a clue about what to write, or maybe it's about feeling extra pressure to make this first post count. Since I promised myself I would post before the end of the month, here I go.
This morning was one of those fall mornings in Wisconsin; rainy, foggy, damp...the perfect kind of Halloween morning that makes you want to stay in bed, grab the novel from the nightstand, get a cup of coffee, and read the day away. Well that didn't happen, but it was a nice thought. Before I got out of bed, the words 'nobody's perfect'
bounced around inside my head. My creative process usually starts that
way; a thought, an idea, or a word just won't leave me alone until I
give it its due. Today, 'nobody's perfect' was the inspiration I needed to finally formulate this post!
Merriam-Webster defines perfect as being entirely without fault or defect. On the surface, there is no person, situation, or experience that is perfect. My head easily agrees. My heart has a tougher time. When I look into the beautiful blue eyes of our 7 month old granddaughter, I see perfection. When I watch the way my son looks at his new wife (they have been married almost three weeks), I see perfection. When I hear a piece of music sung or performed in a way that brings tears to my eyes, I hear perfection. When I walk through the park near my home and see a brilliant red and gold carpet made by the fallen leaves, I experience perfection.
Maybe like beauty, perfection is in the eye of the beholder. If we look with the eyes of love, we see beauty, grace and yes, perfection. I think love is so transformational it can raise the bar for perfection. I think by giving someone the benefit of the doubt rather than focusing on a weakness, we promote perfection. Providing support, helping someone feel good about what he has to offer, and taking time to listen advance the cause of perfection. Internally, loving myself enough to give myself a break from time to time gives me an opportunity to strive for perfection. And in the striving for perfection, in the journey toward perfection, change happens, learning happens, growth happens.
So maybe nobody's perfect...or maybe everyone is...
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