Friday, March 28, 2014

Is it okay that I don't serve dessert?

My husband Mark and I enjoy hosting family members and others for meals. We don't get fancy in the kitchen, but we don't go hungry. Mark likes to grill chicken, burgers, brats, fish and anything else we get a hankering for. He uses the grill year round, and in spite of the brutal Wisconsin winter we are still living through, Mark grilled chicken just a few weeks ago. We enjoy entertaining as a way to touch base, catch up, and maintain relationships. 

But it occurred to me recently that we rarely serve dessert. We offer snacks, salads, vegies, fruits, potatoes, soup, and meat. But it seems that unless we are celebrating a birthday, we don't offer chocolate, pie, cake or cookies. Ice cream is about the only sweet you might find in our freezer. That isn't to say I don't like dessert. Heck, if I have cookies in the cookie jar, I tend to eat them after every meal until they are gone. And if I happen to have M & M's in my cupboard, I'll eat those, too.  So why not serve dessert?  Here are my top three reasons for not offering dessert after a delicious meal:

~Empty calories. Chocolate, cake, pie and cookies are full of sugar, fat, and calories. Who needs all of that?

~Time saver. Mixing and baking dessert takes extra time. Time is something we don't have a lot of, so getting the meal on the table is a priority...dessert might have a chance if I happen to have extra time.

~I'm full. If dinner is tasty and there is enough of it, I don't have room for dessert anyway, so why bother?

“Some people prefer eating dessert to the main course. These people have never been really hungry.”
Vera Nazarian

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