Today we observe the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of a new church year. For as long as I can remember, Advent was celebrated in our home. Mom and Dad made that a priority. We always had an Advent wreath which Mom constructed from fresh green boughs. In the early years, she secured the evergreen branches over two simple wood crosspieces with coat hanger wire, then later with floral wire. She would add three purple candles and one pink candle around the wreath and finish with four bows made from deep purple silk ribbon placed at the base of each candle. Every night as part of our meal prayer Dad would recite the prayer and reflection for the day, and then one of the six of us kids would get to light the candle. Each week, we would add a lit candle until all four candles glowed in celebration of the nearness of remembering Christ's birth. Mark and I continue this tradition with our family.
The church shows great wisdom in celebrating this holy season when it does. At this time of year, our days get shorter. There is more darkness than light. Temperatures are colder so people tend to stay indoors and keep to themselves. It is at this very time of dark and cold that we celebrate the birthday of the Light of the World! God knew His creation was in need of light. We are dark and stingy with our love for neighbor; we are cold and selfish about sharing our gifts. So He sent Jesus, His only son, to be born in a humble stable. He sent Jesus to show us how to live. This light, this Jesus, pierces the dark and cold of our hearts with the light and warmth of his love! Praise God for His necessary and amazing gift!
In reflecting on our first reading from the prophet Isaiah (Chapter 2:1-5) at last evening's mass, Fr. Bob said, "If the love of God is not first in your life, you won't know what to do with the rest of the goods in your life." Well, if that isn't a challenge to me for this Advent season, I don't know what is. I have no doubt I'll be blessed with many opportunities to practice my love of God as the season unfolds. Gifts to buy, cards to write, house to decorate, parties to attend, family and volunteer obligations that don't disappear just because it's the Christmas season. Oh yes, lots of chances to get my love of God right this year. I better finish this post and get busy loving!
"O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!" ~ Isaiah 2:5
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