While driving to my mom's apartment this morning, I was listening to talk radio. The topic was the 'Day without a Woman' protests happening around the country today. I admit I haven't paid much attention.
We are blessed to live in a country which allows free speech, the right to assemble, and the right to protest. I don't judge anyone for speaking freely, assembling, and protesting. I couldn't help but wonder though, what about moms on this 'Day without a Woman?' There probably weren't many, if any, stay at home moms who 'walked off' their jobs today. They couldn't. Those precious cherubs in their charge need them. Who would be there to change a diaper, read a book, rock them, talk to them, teach them, love them? This commercial came to mind (I'm not endorsing NyQuil; the commercial just says it all):
Moms don't get to walk off the job for any reason. That's right. Mom's don't get to stop being moms...ever...period. And moms wouldn't want it any other way. When will society recognize the value of motherhood? When will we recognize the vital role a mom at home plays in the nurturing and formation of the next generation?
A friend recently told me of her neighbor's daughter who is struggling because she wants to quit her job to stay home with her 8 month old son. Her in-laws are putting pressure on her to stay at her job. Their reasoning? She will lose a million dollars in wages over her lifetime if she stops working. Just because there isn't a paycheck for wiping snotty noses or picking up blocks for the hundredth time, that doesn't mean the responsibilities of being a mother have no value! The days and years a mom spends at home raising her young children are priceless.
There is plenty of time to go back to work and contribute financially to your family's well-being once your children are in school. If you are able to make your family budget work and you are a mom who wants to stay home to raise your young children, find a way to make it happen. You won't regret it.
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